Holyoke Revolver Club

HRC Newsletter - Summer 2024

09/20/2024 2:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
1. Petition to Repeal - Chapter 135 (Bill H-4885)

By now I am sure you are aware of the bill H-4885 presented by the MA Legislature has been signed into law by Governor Healy on July 25, 2024 as Chapter 135.   This law is the most outrageous attack on our Civil Rights in Modern United States History.  

HRC held a petition signing event on Saturday, Sept. 14th. The email announcement had gone out to 700+ Active members as well as another 500 past members and students. 

We collected 170 ± signatures.  We thank all that came to the club to sign the petition.  However, we would have like to have seen more then just a 17% turnout.  Every signature counts toward the 60,000 signatures we are striving for.  If you haven’t signed yet, please go to: www.thecivilrightscoalition.com to find a signing location closest to you. 

We will also be holding a 2nd signature event in the evening of Thursday, Sept. 26th, 5:00pm to 8:30pm.   If you own a firearm, you should be signing this petition!!

2. Annual Members Dinner & Election of Officers

In November, in accordance with our Bylaws, we hold the Annual Meeting where we have a catered sit down dinner.  Join us to socialize and meet your fellow members.  At this time the Officers inform the members of the status of the Club, and look ahead to the future. 

After our dinner we will hold the annual election of the Club Officers.    

The general duties of these officers are to control and manage the business and property of the corporation. The Officers of the Board are the members that shape the future of this Club. 

The Board is made up of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Club Governor, a Membership Secretary and six (6) Officers at large. All Officers, except for the Officers at large, hold a one (1) year term. Two (2) Officers at large are elected for a term of three (3) years at each annual meeting. 

Please consider coming to the meeting to help choose our Officers. 

If you have been thinking that you would like to be more involved with the Club management, policies and decision making, please consider running for a position on the Board.  To be elected you must be present at the Annual meeting, and you must be nominated by an active member from the floor that night.

Please join us for the Social before the meeting with the annual dinner catered by Hamel - FREE   Social & Dinner starts at 5:30pm, and the meeting starts at 7:00pm.  

For further information, please email: secretary@holyokerevolverclub.com.

3. Annual Dues - Increase 

The annual membership dues for the Holyoke Revolver Club (HRC) run from January 1st to December 31st of every year.  In November all active members will receive an invoice for the year 2025.  You have until January 31st to pay.  

This year the HRC Board of Officers has unanimously voted to raise the dues.  This is the result of several things.  1) The high inflation rates that we are all experiencing has raised the cost of maintaining our club.  2) The lack of volunteers has resulted in using subcontractors.

The there will be two increases.  

  • 2025 -
    • Adult $140.00 (increase of $20.00/yr.  {$1.67/month})
    • Spouse $70.00 (increase of $10.00/yr.  {$0.84/month})
    • Senior  $70.00 (increase of $10.00/yr.  {$0.84/month})
  • 2026 -
    • Adult $160.00 (increase of $20.00/yr.)
    • Spouse $80.00 (increase of $10.00/yr.)
    • Senior  $80.00 (increase of $10.00/yr.)
4. Volunteers needed for the Monday morning Maintenance Crew

The Monday morning maintain crew does an excellent job of cleaning & maintaining our clubhouse and ranges.  They are in need of a couple of new volunteers to join in. 

If you are able to help, please contact Ron Mehlhorn (RonM@HolyokeRevolverClub.com)

5. HRC Juniors Pistol Team - Scholastic Action Shooting 

We are presently seeking a new Lead Coach for our Junior Team.  This person must be an Active Member of HRC, and certified either as an Instructor, a RSO, or a NRA Pistol Coach.

The Lead Coach acts as a liaison with the Board of Officers, and helps plan activities. 

If you are interested, please contact Angel Colon, the chairperson of the Juniors’ Committee.   Email: AngelC@HolyokeRevolverClub.com

6. Club Activities 

7. New Members.  

We have been doing well bringing new members to our club. 

This year we will be accepting 2024 new members through October.  We now have over 700 members. 

We do not accept new members in November, as this is our annual meeting with elections for the Officers of the board. 

8.  The HRC Members Handbook (Club Rules) is on our website

It is every member’s responsibility to know the policies and procedures of our Club. This handbook covers all the Club’s rules and regulations. Failure to abide by these simple but extremely important policies can and has resulted in memberships being terminated.
If you are uncertain about any of the Club’s policies, please contact our Clubs Governor at: Governor@holyokerevolverclub.com or any of the Directors to assist you with your question.
Please click here for the Members Handbook

9. Club ID Card Labels – Officers & Range Safety Officer 

The Holyoke Revolver Club has twelve Officers (Directors) and many Range Safety Officers (RSO). Should you see a member with their badge that has a logo at the bottom in yellow, know that these individuals are willing to assist with any questions, concerns, or issues you may have. Don’t hesitate to also suggest any ideas or improvements that can make our Club a better place for all. These folks are eager to listen, help, advise, and assist!!


Practical matches are held on the second Saturday of each month. New shooters should arrive at 9 a.m. for safety instruction. Participants should bring a centerfire pistol or revolver and 100-150 rounds of ammunition, extra magazines and speedloaders, an OWB Holster (outside the waistband), a baseball cap along with eye and ear protection. Dan Jones is in charge. Volunteers are always needed to set up the stages please arrive at 8 a.m.


Bench Rest Rifle shooting season in now underway.
Bench rest shooting is a sport in which very accurate and precise rifles are shot at paper targets from a rest or bench from a sitting position.
Bench-rest competitions are held on the first and second Saturday (and the 5th Saturday if there is one).
Set up time is 9am. Matches start at 10am sharp.
The cost of the competition is $1.00 per target.
Please go to the Bench Rest page for more information. Check the Calendar for the latest dates.


The Holyoke Revolver Club has affiliations with both the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts. We highly recommend that our members support these two valuable Associations.

Please check Club Info & News for more information.


Dave Sparko conducts fun shoots on Tuesday evenings at the club. Competitors shoot .22 pistols at steel plates and a “Dueling Tree” of spinning targets, trying to move all of the discs to the opponent’s side of the tree. Match schedules will be posted on the club’s website and calenda

"Holyoke Revolver Club" is a 501©4 non-profit organization

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