Holyoke Revolver Club

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  • Spring Clean-up **All Ranges Closed**

Spring Clean-up **All Ranges Closed**

  • 04/16/2023
  • 04/19/2026
  • 4 sessions
  • 04/16/2023, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM (EDT)
  • 04/21/2024, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM (EDT)
  • 04/27/2025, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM (EDT)
  • 04/19/2026, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM (EDT)

Our Club will be having our
Annual Spring Cleanup
Sunday April 27th

Please consider joining your fellow Club members in a general cleaning of our ranges and clubhouse. If you can bring a blower, tarp for dragging leaves, a rake, or a trimmer that would be great.

The start time is 9:00am and we generally finish up around 12:30.

There will be complementary coffee and doughnuts served in the morning, as well as pizza being served for lunch. 

A perfect opportunity to help support our Club and earn yourself some
Volunteer Reward Points.

Reward points can be obtained in several ways and used on everything from your membership dues, Club events and activities, Club courses, targets, Club hats, T-shirt, hoodies, and even soda and snacks. The points you earn can be transferred to another member. Or to family or friends looking to attend our Basic Pistol Safety Course.

For question about the Spring Cleanup
please contact our Clubs 
Vice President – Jeremy Carriere
at VicePresident@HolyokeRevolverClub.com 


For questions on the Volunteer Reward Program please contact-HRCRewardsPoints@holyokerevolverclub.com


**All Ranges Closed During the Clean-up**


Practical matches are held on the second Saturday of each month. New shooters should arrive at 9 a.m. for safety instruction. Participants should bring a centerfire pistol or revolver and 100-150 rounds of ammunition, extra magazines and speedloaders, an OWB Holster (outside the waistband), a baseball cap along with eye and ear protection. Dan Jones is in charge. Volunteers are always needed to set up the stages please arrive at 8 a.m.


Bench Rest Rifle shooting season in now underway.
Bench rest shooting is a sport in which very accurate and precise rifles are shot at paper targets from a rest or bench from a sitting position.
Bench-rest competitions are held on the first and second Saturday (and the 5th Saturday if there is one).
Set up time is 9am. Matches start at 10am sharp.
The cost of the competition is $1.00 per target.
Please go to the Bench Rest page for more information. Check the Calendar for the latest dates.


The Holyoke Revolver Club has affiliations with both the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts. We highly recommend that our members support these two valuable Associations.

Please check Club Info & News for more information.


Dave Sparko conducts fun shoots on Tuesday evenings at the club. Competitors shoot .22 pistols at steel plates and a “Dueling Tree” of spinning targets, trying to move all of the discs to the opponent’s side of the tree. Match schedules will be posted on the club’s website and calenda

"Holyoke Revolver Club" is a 501©4 non-profit organization

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